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A-Gas UK
Established in 1993
Leading, independent UK supplier of refrigerants to the refrigeration and air conditioning markets
Supplier of speciality products such as blowing agents and electronic chemicals
Cryogenic gases for the drinks and refrigeration industry
Over 400 tonnes of bulk storage capacity including a fleet of drums and cylinders to suit all customer requirements
Full product recovery and reclamation services using bespoke technology making UK market leaders in waste refrigeration processing
Returnable cylinder fleet with comprehensive tracking system
Transport fleet of road tankers and articulated vehicles for national delivery service
Non-fluorinated refrigerants such as ammonia, hydrocarbons and CO2, together with secondary heat transfer fluids
Management systems: A-Gas UK has accreditations in ISO 9001 (Quality), OHAS 18001 (Health and Safety) and ISO 14001 (Environment)
A-Gas Australia
Established in 1995
Australian market leader in the supply of foam products and refrigerants
Over 500 tonnes of fixed bulk storage capacity on site
State-of-the-art facility commissioned in 2000, extended in 2002 and 2007 to include high purity Oxygen Free Nitrogen to the product range
Environmental services with a dedicated fleet of cylinders for the product lifecycle from cradle to grave
Fully automated cylinder filling and tracking facilities
Cylinder fleet of over 120,000 units serving standard refrigerants, customised blends and natural refrigerants including ammonia.
Secondary refrigerants are also available in non returnable drums
Management systems: A-Gas Australia has accreditation in ISO 9001 (Quality), AS4801 (OH&S) and ISO14001 (Environment)
A-Gas South Africa
Established in 1996
Leading supplier to the South African foam, refrigeration and air conditioning markets
Eight bulk storage tanks with 500 metric tonnes of storage capacity
State-of-the-art filling and blending plants with in-house laboratory facilities
Environmental services allowing for the recovery and recycling of refrigerants using a dedicated fleet of cylinders
Computer controlled filling and cylinder tracking facilities
Drum and cylinder fleet in excess of 18,000, ranging from 10kg cylinders to 16 tonne ISO tanks
Management systems: A-Gas South Africa has accreditations in ISO 9001/2000 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment)
A-Gas Americas
Established in 2005
Major supplier of blowing agents to the foam insulation market
Since 2008 Americas has continued to grow with the development of next generation blowing agents, offering a variety of hydrocarbon products to the PIR, PUS and E EPS markets
Supplier of HFCs including HFC-134a, HFC-365mfc/HFC-227ea blends
HFC-152a and HFC-134a are available in bulk ISO tanks for use as aerosol propellants
In addition Americas offers TCPP flame retardant in drums, returnable IBCs and bulk packaging
Polyether Polyols
Other products available on request, please ask
A-Gas South East Asia
Regional sales office for Asia-Pacific
Established in 2000; headquarters in Bristol, United Kingdom
Leading supplier of a wide range of refrigerants:
HCFCs, HFCs and HCs in DOT, non-DOT and EN disposable and refillable cylinders
Refrigerants listed are also available in tonne drums and ISO tanks
Supplier of speciality products such as blowing agents and cleaning agents for cooling towers and chillers
Supplier of cryogenic gases for welding and food packaging industries
Strong logistics and warehousing experience
Committed to supplying internationally recognised products