A-Gas provides a one-stop shop solution for all refrigerant applications. We offer interim HCFC (available in countries where use is still permitted under current regulations) and long-term HFC refrigerants as well as non-fluorinated refrigerants such as ammonia, hydrocarbons and CO2, together with secondary heat transfer fluids. Oxygen Free Nitrogen (OFN) is also available from A-Gas for use in refrigeration servicing.
A-Gas supplies the refrigeration service sector through refrigeration wholesale partners, all of which are the largest wholesale chains in each of our principal territories. Our range of refrigerants play a leading role in helping user industries meet the challenge of moving to new technologies and complying with environmental regulations.
Environmental Services
A-Gas takes its environmental obligations seriously. All aspects of our operations are governed by environmentally sound and strictly enforced procedures. We promote responsible product lifecycle management that includes a user-friendly reclamation and recovery scheme, laboratory facilities and a large fleet of dedicated recovery cylinders and drums specifically designed for use in product reclamation during equipment servicing.
A-Gas’ own bespoke separation technology enables the reprocessing of formerly unusable refrigerant mixtures into a very high percentage of reclaimed refrigerant that meets the internationally recognised AHRI 700 standard. Please contact your local A-Gas office for further details of the environmental services on offer.

Performance Chemicals
A-Gas offers the following performance chemicals:
Speciality solvents for use in various applications
HCFCs (available in countries where use is still permitted under current regulations) for use in various applications, such as aerosol propellants and blowing agents
Non-fluorinated alternatives such as Pentanes which are used as blowing agents in the manufacture of high quality insulation foams
New products in the R&D stage such as HFOs used in a variety of applications.
Speciality chemicals for the electronics industry are available from A-Gas Electronic Materials. A-Gas Electronic Materials supplies specialist chemicals and processes to the Microelectronics, Printed Circuit Board and Packaging & Finishing Technologies. Please visit www.A for further information
Fluorinated speciality chemicals for industrial applications, such as Nocolok fluorinated flux for brazing aluminium components

Industrial Special Products
A-Gas offers a wide range of industrial and speciality gases including:
Oxygen Free Nitrogen (OFN) used to prevent the build up of scale during the brazing process, also suitable for pressure and leak testing of HVAC systems
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) for use in both refrigeration and industrial applications
Speciality gases and equipment available through our relationships with key suppliers in the industry
Sulphur Hexafluoride used in medium and high voltage switch-gear equipment
Oxygen and Acetylene for brazing in refrigeration applications as well as various industrial applications such as welding
Ethylene Oxide, which is used in a variety of applications, such as the sterilising of medical equipment and in the production of chemical intermediates
Beverage gases for use within the hospitality industry

Fire Protection
Recovery, reclamation, storage and management of Halons
Supply and reclamation of Clean Agent Fire suppressants such as HFC227ea, HFC125, HFC236fa and NovecTM 1230
